
(all my commits)

Week 1

  • Picked enemy sprite image (coyote)
  • Made the coyote sprite animation (enemy) show up
    • Adjusted the dimensions of image
  • Added downward translaton of coyote grid

Week 2

  • Made the grid of coyotes independent sprites
  • Changed the grid format to an upside-down pyramid
  • Created the game screen
  • Integrated the background and coyotes most of the week
  • Made the coyotes appear from the top of the page and move downwards
  • Tried setting up a score system

    Week 3

  • Worked on a scoring system (failed)
    • Problems: wrong integration of coyotes and background, wrong place to use collisions (should use on mainpage with everything already integrated), y-coordinate of coyotes to determine score deduction did not work
    • Suggestions: use object oriented programming, refer to teacher’s code instead of just using ChatGPT, seek teammates for more help
  • Added teacher’s coyote code to our repository and made few adjustments
  • Plan: work on local storage, scoring system, final boss?

Challenges with GitHub Commits



Made a Scoring.js file for scores

import GameEnv from './GameEnv.js';

// scoring.js

// Initialize the player's score to 30
let score = 30;

// Select the score display element with the "score-display" class
const scoreElement = document.querySelector('.score-display');

if (scoreElement) {
    // Apply the styles = 'absolute'; = '10px'; = '10px'; = '16px'; = 'white'; = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; = '5px'; = '5px';

export function updateScore() {
    const scoreElement = document.getElementById('score');
    if (scoreElement) {
        scoreElement.textContent = `Score: ${score}`;
    } else {
        console.error("Element with id 'score' not found.");

// Function to increase the score
export function increaseScore(points) {
    score += points;

// Call the updateScore function to display the initial score
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {

export default score;

Added scoring system to md file and made it display

<!-- Prepare DOM elements -->
<!-- Wrap both the dog canvas and controls in a container div -->
<div id="canvasContainer">
<div id="score" class="score-display">Score: 30</div>
        <!-- Background controls -->
        <button id="toggleCanvasEffect"></button>

<script type="module">
    import GameEnv from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/GameEnv.js';
    import GameObject from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/GameObject.js';
    import Background from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/Background.js';
    import Character from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/Character.js';
    import { initChicken } from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/CharacterChicken.js';
    import { initCoyote } from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/CharacterCoyote2.js';
    import { initMonkey } from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/CharacterMonkey.js';
    import { increaseScore, updateScore } from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/Scoring.js';

Added scoring to GameEnv.js for display and decrementing

    static score = 30;  //decrement this in floorAction and display this in DOM
static updateScoreDisplay() {
        // Get the score element from the DOM
        const scoreElement = document.getElementById('score');

        if (scoreElement) {
            // Update the score display with the current score value
            scoreElement.textContent = `Score: ${this.score}`;
    static decrementScore(amount){
        this.score -=amount;


Included default functions in GameObject.js to allow coyotes to spiral and be destroyed upon touching the floor

/* Destroy Game Object
    * remove canvas element of object
    * remove object from GameObject array
    destroy() {
        const index = GameObject.gameObjectArray.indexOf(this);
        if (index !== -1) {
            // Remove the canvas from the DOM
            GameObject.gameObjectArray.splice(index, 1);

    /* Default collision action is no action
     * override when you extend for custom action
        // no action

    /* Default floor action is no action
     * override when you extend for custom action
        // no action

Failed Code/Attempts

Turned coyotes into a pyramid

// Create an array to manage individual coyote objects
      const coyotes = [];
      // Create an upside-down pyramid layout with varying rows (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
      const numRows = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
      let rowCounter = 0;
      numRows.forEach((rowCount) => {
        for (let row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
          const colsInThisRow = rowCount - row;
          for (let col = 0; col < colsInThisRow; col++) {
            const x = col * SPRITE_WIDTH * SCALE_FACTOR + (row * SPRITE_WIDTH * SCALE_FACTOR) / 2;
            const y = rowCounter * SPRITE_HEIGHT * SCALE_FACTOR;
            coyotes.push(new Coyote(x, y));

Tried to make the coyotes explode instead spiraling

  // Load the explosion GIF
        const explosionGif = new Image();
        explosionGif.src = './explosion.gif'; // Specify the correct path

        explosionGif.onload = () => {
            // Set the canvas to display the explosion GIF
            canvas.width = CoyoteAnimation.width; // Adjust canvas size as needed
            canvas.height = CoyoteAnimation.height; // Adjust canvas size as needed
            const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
            ctx.drawImage(explosionGif, 0, 0, CoyoteAnimation.width, CoyoteAnimation.height);

Tried to make chicken spiral after collision with coyote (collision happened but stopped the code)

collisionAction() {
        // Check if the object to collide with is a coyote
        if (this.CharacterCoyote.isCollidingWith(CharacterMonkey)) {
            // Start the spiraling animation for the chicken
            const canvas = this.canvas;
            const duration = 1000; // Adjust the duration as needed
            let startTime = null;