Kayla Individual Review
This page will include my contributions, trial and errors, etc.
Week 1
(make chicken move)
(make chicken tilt)
- Picked chicken image
- Made chicken move left to right
- Also when moving right or left it tilts to the side a bit
- Added an invert button
Week 2
- Started to integrate (failed)
- Problem: When integrating the chicken into the background, the chicken would show up.
- Solution: Refer to teacher’s code (CharacterMonkey.js worked similarly to the chicken).
- Make a character selection screen
- After clicking start it bring you to a Character selection screen where you chose between 7 chickens
Week 3
- Continue to integrate, as well as try doing collsion detection (failed)
- Able to integrate (FINALLY): Used teacher code (used CharacterMonkey.js as teacher suggested)
- Tried collision detection: unable to make chicken spin and die when coyotes touched it
- Working on the same file as someone can create merge conflicts
- Solution: Had to communicate with team members on what file you are working on
Used CharacterMonkey.js for chicken
import GameEnv from './GameEnv.js';
import Character from './Character.js';
import GameObject from './GameObject.js'
import CharacterCoyote from './CharacterCoyote2.js';
const MonkeyAnimation = {
// Sprite properties
scale: 2,
width: 36,
height: 32.5,
d: { row: 0, frames: 0, idleFrame: { column: 0, frames: 0 } }, // Walk right with 'd' key
a: { row: 1, frames: 0, idleFrame: { column: 0, frames: 0 } }, // Walk left with 'a' key
const defaultIdleFrame = { row: 0, column: 0, frames: 0 };
export class CharacterMonkey extends Character{
// constructors sets up Character object
constructor(monkeyCanvas, image, speedRatio){
// Initial position at the bottom center
this.position = {
x: this.canvas.width / 2,
y: 0
this.isIdle = true;
this.gravityEnabled = false;
this.yVelocity = 0;
size() {
if (!GameEnv.prevInnerWidth) {
// Monkey perform a unique update
update() {
if (this.frameY === MonkeyAnimation.a.row && !this.isIdle) {
this.x -= this.speed; // Move the monkey to the left
else if (this.frameY === MonkeyAnimation.d.row && !this.isIdle){
this.x += this.speed;
} else if (GameEnv.bottom <= this.y) {
// do idle frame
this.idle = true;
// Add logic to update the position based on velocity
/* i think this code isnt needed but will keep in comment for now
if (GameEnv.bottom > this.y) {
// gravity (using acceleration instead of velocity, needed for jump implementation)
this.yVelocity += 0.5;
} else {
// normal force (basically disabels gravity if on the ground)
this.yVelocity = Math.min(0, this.yVelocity);
this.y += this.yVelocity;
// Perform super update actions
collisionAction() {
// Check if the object to collide with is a coyote
if (this.sceneStarted === false && this.collisionData.touchPoints.this.right){
this.sceneStarted = true;
// Start the spiraling animation for the chicken
const canvas = this.canvas;
const duration = 1000; // Adjust the duration as needed
let startTime = null;
// Load the explosion GIF or game over image
const explosionGif = new Image();
explosionGif.src = '/final-game/images/explosion.gif';
explosionGif.onload = () => {
// Set the canvas to display the explosion GIF or game over image
canvas.width = MonkeyAnimation.width;
canvas.height = MonkeyAnimation.height;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(explosionGif, 0, 0, MonkeyAnimation.width, MonkeyAnimation.height);
function spiral(timestamp) {
if (!startTime) {
startTime = timestamp;
const elapsed = timestamp - startTime;
if (elapsed < duration) {
const progress = elapsed / duration;
// Adjust opacity based on the progress
canvas.style.opacity = 1 - progress;
// Rotate the canvas
const rotationAngle = progress * (Math.random() * 2880); // Adjust the rotation speed as needed
canvas.style.transform = `rotate(${rotationAngle}deg`;
// Start the animation
// Can add specific initialization parameters for the monkey here
// In this case the monkey is following the default character initialization
export function initMonkey(canvasId, image, gameSpeed, speedRatio){
// Create the Monkey character
var monkey = new CharacterMonkey(canvasId, image, gameSpeed, speedRatio);
// Set initial Animation
/* Monkey Control
* changes FrameY value (selected row in sprite)
* change MaxFrame according to value in selected animation
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
if (MonkeyAnimation.hasOwnProperty(event.key)) {
// Set variables based on the key that is pressed
const selectedAnimation = event.key;
monkey.isIdle = false;
/* else if (event.key === 'a') {
monkey.isIdle = false;
monkey.velocity.x -= monkey.speed; // Move the monkey to the left
} else if (event.key === 'd') {
monkey.isIdle = false;
monkey.velocity.x += monkey.speed; // Move the monkey to the right
document.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) {
if (MonkeyAnimation.hasOwnProperty(event.key)) {
// If no button is pressed then idle
const selectedAnimation = event.key;
if (MonkeyAnimation[selectedAnimation].idleFrame) {
monkey.isIdle = true;
monkey.velocity.x = 0;
// Monkey Object
return monkey;
export default CharacterMonkey;
Import CharacterMonkey.js into md file
<script type="module">
import GameEnv from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/GameEnv.js';
import GameObject from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/GameObject.js';
import Background from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/Background.js';
import Character from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/Character.js';
import { initChicken } from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/CharacterChicken.js';
import { initCoyote } from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/CharacterCoyote2.js';
import { initMonkey } from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/CharacterMonkey.js';
import { increaseScore, updateScore } from '/final-game/assets/js/alienWorld/Scoring.js;
Load Chicken onto screen
async function setupGame() {
try {
// Open image files for Game Objects
const [backgroundImg, chickenImg, monkeyImg, coyoteImg] = await Promise.all([
// Setup Globals
GameEnv.gameSpeed = 2;
GameEnv.gravity = 3;
// Prepare HTML with Background Canvas
const backgroundCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
backgroundCanvas.id = "background";
// Background object
const backgroundSpeedRatio = 0
new Background(backgroundCanvas, backgroundImg, backgroundSpeedRatio); // Background Class calls GameObject Array which stores the instance
// Prepare HTML with Chicken Canvas
const chickenCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
chickenCanvas.id = "characters";
// Chicken object
const chickenSpeedRatio = 0
initChicken(chickenCanvas, chickenImg, chickenSpeedRatio);
const monkeyCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
monkeyCanvas.id = "characters";
// Monkey object
const monkeySpeedRatio = 2
initMonkey(monkeyCanvas, monkeyImg, monkeySpeedRatio);
// Prepare HTML with many Coyotes
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const coyoteCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
coyoteCanvas.id = "characters";
// Coyote object
const coyoteSpeedRatio = 0
initCoyote(coyoteCanvas, coyoteImg, coyoteSpeedRatio);
Failed Code
Collsion Detection: tried using code similar to coyote code (some elements missing)
collisionAction() {
// Check if the object to collide with is a coyote
if (this.sceneStarted === false && this.collisionData.touchPoints.this.right){
this.sceneStarted = true;
// Start the spiraling animation for the chicken
const canvas = this.canvas;
const duration = 1000; // Adjust the duration as needed
let startTime = null;
// Load the explosion GIF or game over image
const explosionGif = new Image();
explosionGif.src = '/final-game/images/explosion.gif';
explosionGif.onload = () => {
// Set the canvas to display the explosion GIF or game over image
canvas.width = MonkeyAnimation.width;
canvas.height = MonkeyAnimation.height;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(explosionGif, 0, 0, MonkeyAnimation.width, MonkeyAnimation.height);
function spiral(timestamp) {
if (!startTime) {
startTime = timestamp;
const elapsed = timestamp - startTime;
if (elapsed < duration) {
const progress = elapsed / duration;
// Adjust opacity based on the progress
canvas.style.opacity = 1 - progress;
// Rotate the canvas
const rotationAngle = progress * (Math.random() * 2880); // Adjust the rotation speed as needed
canvas.style.transform = `rotate(${rotationAngle}deg`;
// Start the animation