Game Ideation Working Plan
Ideation plan for space invaders-type game
- Brain Write (Lore)
- Screen 1: Starting Page
- Screen 1: Game Start
- Screen 2: The Game
- Screen 3: Game Over
- If we have time
Brain Write (Lore)
In a chicken apocalypse far, far, FAR away…
There were space coyotes. Many space coyotes. An invading species bent on venegance and the intensive hunger for colorful chickens. Lead by none other than the Chunky Carniverous Coyote. They raid the chicken’s home planet far and wide, infecting the land with discord and agony. But you are not like the other chickens. You have seem your brethren bleed and cry and feel pain you never though imaginable. You are not a chicken. You are THE chicken. A brave hero for justice, a symbol of nature using their gift to wipe away the dreaded stain of these cretans. With your egg-shooting, you shall defeat every rank of coyote until none are left, and you shall bring havoc to their coyote kingdom. You shall be the bringer of demise to King Chunky.
Let us welcome Armeneggon.
Screen 1: Starting Page
Screen 1: Game Start
- Vrnda
- Design and text for start screen
- Background
- Maryam
- An option for chicken skin
- 6 colors
- Team member names their chicken
Screen 2: The Game
- Maryam
- Chicken (player)
- Moves left and right (x), stays the same height (y)
- Poops out eggs vertically
- Hurts enemy –> have to add interaction
- If the enemy touches the chicken, life is lost
- Will get 3 lives
- Lilian
- Space coyotes (enemies)
- Makes another sprite for dead coyote
- A group of them appear and start descending towards
- Keep spawning indefinitely
- Kayla
- Egg
- Find pixelated egg sprite
- Eggs shoot from chicken’s butt
Implementing Enemies
Kayla Enemy behavior (space coyotes):
- every 2 seconds new rows of 4 coyotes come down
- every second coyotes shoot something (haven’t decided yet)
Screen 3: Game Over
Designing Platforms and Collision Detection
- Vrnda Collision Detection
- Make sure the chicken stays within borders
- Make a counter that subtracts health from space coyotes when they are hit with eggs
- Make eggs disappear upon collision
- Add to player score when space coyotes die upon enough collisions
If we have time
Creating a Dynamic Background (if time)
Interactive Blocks and Power-Ups
Interactive Blocks:
- Golden egg: doubles eggs per second shot
Creating a Dynamic Background (if time)